Benefits of Spirituality

What are the benefits of being a spiritual person?

It’s good for your health.

People with religious or spiritual practices have better health, Have more energy for daily tasks, and fewer symptoms during treatments. People with spiritual beliefs feel more purpose in life, as well as a connection to a higher power, which positively affects physical health. However, these benefits extend to anyone, regardless of health status/ gender etc.

Spirituality help you live longer.

An exhaustive review that compared spirituality and religiousness to other health interventions found that people with a strong spiritual life had an 18% reduction in mortality. Life-lengthening benefits of spirituality can be compared to eating a high amount of fruits and vegetables or taking blood pressure medication. There is a positive relationship between religious and spiritual practices and better health outcomes. Researchers have also looked at the role of spirituality and mindfulness in caring for chronic diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis) and cancer.

Improving the Function of Your Immune System.

boosting immune function
Meditating, praying, or even taking a walk in nature can help boost immune system function.

Spiritual people make healthier choices.

Adhering to a particular spiritual tradition may bring an indirect health benefit because many traditions have rules about treating the body with kindness and avoiding unhealthy behaviors. Because of these tenets, people who practice a religion or faith tradition are less likely to do self harm, commit a crime, or become involved in violent activity, and they are more likely to engage in preventative habits like wearing seatbelts and taking vitamins.

Spirituality improves mental health.

By connecting to one’s own thoughts and feelings through spirituality, people are able to feel more hopeful and improve their self-esteem, which also improves mental health. Being spiritual also helps ward off depression. People with a spiritual practice of some kind reduced their depression by 75%. Preventing Isolation and the Risk for Depression. Expressing gratitude as a spiritual practice can improve mental health and help you be happier in your life. It lifts your mood. Joy and uplift come much more readily. Including reduction of anxiety.

Spirituality keeps you together.

It creates a sense of steadiness and grounding in change. No matter what unforeseen stuff is thrown at you,
your sense of calm center is not so easily thrown off. It keeps you afloat and even-keeled in even the most riotous emotional storms. When crazy feelings threaten to take you down, practice keeps you from capsizing. Restoring a Lost Sense of Purpose and Finding Meaning.

Spirituality connects you.

It touches you so intimately that without it you would feel lost or downright not right. You come to smile inwardly most all of the time with the assurance of practice being there for you at all times. It connects you to and reveals true spirit. Practice is where you download profound intuitive messages by opening to your own divine spark.

Spirituality opens your closed doors and makes you bloom.

It helps you understand your life on a profoundly and deeply. Practice opens the door to a much quieter and deeper relationship with the internal you. It draws you into the simplicity of the moment. Nothing like regular practice to bring you into the now, and to keep you from getting lost in the past or mired in fears of the future.

Spiritual beliefs generate gratitude.

Gratitude increases positive feelings such as optimism and generosity, while also increasing energy. Spirituality encourages us to be positive, which in turn also helps mental health. One simple way to be more grateful in your life is to write what you are grateful for each day in a gratitude journal.

Spirituality makes us more compassionate.

Living a spiritual life helps us be more compassionate and empathetic towards others. Spirituality increases pro-social emotions, which helps us connect to those around us in positive and loving ways. Experiencing compassion toward others is one of the strongest correlates with living a spiritual life. A variety of positive or pro-social emotions have strong links to spiritualism, including allowing one to feel good about the little things in life and look at the world through empathetic eyes.

Spirituality makes us forgive.

Letting go of blame and negative feelings after a hurtful incident is a practice that is reflected by a number of spiritual traditions, including Christianity, Buddhism, and Judaism. Modern science shows the health benefits of forgiveness are numerous: better immune function, longer lifespan, lowered blood pressure, improved cardiovascular health, and fewer feelings of anger or hurt.

Your children benefit.

Your children benefit from a spiritual family practice. Children who live in homes with spiritual practices (regardless of religion) develop better in-depth personal relationships and find value and meaning in their own lives as well as others. This a predictor of future happiness as adults.
A spiritual practice may help your children grow into compassionate and happy adults.

Spiritual people are gracious.

Psychology has demonstrated that expressing gratitude is associated with many positive emotions such as optimism, being generous with time and resources, and overall vitality. Spirituality encourages people to be positive, which may be expressed in many of these life practices.

Spiritual people flourish.

Spirituality is linked to many important aspects of human functioning—spiritual people have positive relationships, high self-esteem, are optimistic, and have meaning and purpose in life. Enhancing Your Ability to Think Clearly and Positively enhancing thinking ability

Spiritual people self-actualize.

It cultivates the attention required to complete your tasks. Precision and awareness become elevated in whatever it is you apply yourself to.
Spiritual individuals strive toward a better life and consider personal growth and fulfillment a central goal. Spirituality can be considered to be a path toward self-actualization, because it requires people to focus on their internal values and work on becoming a better individual.
It provides clarity in the midst of your overflowing and demanding days. Practice wipes the fog from the lens of your mind and makes you blessedly sharper.

Spiritual people take time to savor life experiences.

Individuals who value spirituality take the time to reflect on their daily activities and ultimately build lasting memories of their experiences. Because spiritual people are more conscious of small, daily activities, they experience positive emotions associated with the smaller pleasures in life.

The benefits of being a spiritual person are endless.
However, here are a few great benefits that stand out more than most.

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