Nowadays it’s hard to find authentic and holistic yoga teachings. Many studios or gyms only focus on how to make yoga a good workout with basic posture mechanics. It can be a challenge to find deep-rooted and balanced yoga teachings that include more than just the postures. But the best yoga teachers in the world teach it all–including how to apply yoga philosophy to meditation, diet, positive thinking, breathing, sleeping, and living more consciously.  This is what you get in The Yoga Summit.

Ask yourself: what acts do you do for yourself every day that help you live a healthy and balanced life? Do you have a morning or evening routine that helps you really take the time for yourself?

Many of us put ourselves last. We push ourselves too hard, deplete our energy, and end up feeling too tired to really care for ourselves. Yoga shows a different way. 

Yoga is more than exercise – it’s a comprehensive approach to health, happiness, and wellbeing. But many of us, unfortunately, don’t have the knowledge or tools we need to integrate yoga into our daily lives. 

This is what you will learn in The Yoga Summit

Every day for 21-days, The Yoga Summit offers free teachings that will help you to go further in your yoga practice. You’ll get access to ideas, tools, and techniques to bring yoga into your daily life – how you eat, sleep, breathe, sit, move, and think. 

Join teachers like Radhanath Swami, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Dharma Mittra, Seane Corn, Elena Brower, Dr. Richard Miller, and many more, as they share strategies, stories, and some of the best ways to help you live better with yoga. 

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