Benefits of Vipassana Meditation Technique

By Dev Burman  |   Submitted On November 11, 2012

Before you proceed with the article, please understand a few disclaimers clearly. First, the key reason behind writing this article is to spread awareness and educate people about Vipassana and the benefits I received out of the ten-day exercise. As the ‘I’ clearly highlights my personal experience and benefit, there is a possibility that it may contradict with others. Please take this article as a casual chat and receive what is relevant.

Secondly, do not register for the Vipassana course with an intent, objective or expectation in mind. The moment you have an objective in mind, the objective takes over your mind and the entire technique is kept aside. Go without a need in mind.

To be honest, I did have an objective in mind. I experienced a string of failures over a year and had quite a well-paying job to give a few competitive exams. I failed all the exams and was broke [still am as I write this article!]. I wanted to seek refuge and nothing was working. Vipassana worked.

Let’s not waste any time and jump to the purpose of the article.

1) It is Experiential, Not Intellectual – Vipassana is a practical technique. It’s a tool. The same way you can’t learn how to swim by reading or merely listening about it, Vipassana is practiced. The center is the environment where you are taught and conditioned to learn the technique. There are regular audits and checks conducted by the Teacher and results are in sync to the efforts you invest. It is highly systematic, disciplined and a clear algorithm is followed. Don’t expect ‘spiritual superiority of the East and functional superiority of the West’; you will be surprised by the functional superiority of Vipassana.

2) Clutter Free Mind – You sit to study or write an article, or wish to finish some office work. You work for about ten minutes and start goofing around the internet, watch some porn or chat on FB, play some music, research some stuff that is irrelevant, and phew! After an hour you realize that you are still where you started. You feel sleepy because your mind’s energy has been consumed and you go off to sleep, masturbate or continue chatting with a friend. And then sleep.

This way you end up wasting your life. Vipassana pulls the plug off the habit. Sounds idealistic and too quick an outcome in ten days, but yes, it works.

3) Better control, better decision making, problem-solving, and highly realistic – Vipassana makes your thought process highly neutral, objective, and less ‘negative emotion laden’. This is the basic premise of the technique. Your reactions and reactions to reactions, reactions, and misery derived from failed passions and ventures are shut. Focus is on action and awareness – this makes each interaction amazing and life a joyride.

Lastly, its non-sectarian doesn’t incline towards any religious preaching or school, and doesn’t dictate you to give up worldly pleasures [expect during the course; it’s your choice after you exit].

All courses are free of cost and always will be.

I would like to keep it short and simple and conclude that whatever I have listed above is enough to motivate anyone to register for the course. I’m pasting a few lines from the first paragraph – do not register for the Vipassana course with an intent, objective, or expectation in mind. The moment you have an objective in mind, the objective takes over your mind and the entire technique is kept aside. Go without a need in mind.

You searched your way till this article, now search your way till the nearest Dhamma center. Be happy.


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