100 / 200 Hours Meditation Teacher Training India, USA, London UK, Canada

The world needs many meditation masters if you have a compassion you can be one.

100 / 200 Hours Dev OM Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training in Rishikesh India; USA, London, UK; Montreal, Canada


Chakra Therapy, Yoganidra Master Training, Master Breathwork + Shiva Consciousness + Sufi + Heartfulness Meditation Master Training, Advance Meditation Trainer Training, Mindfulness Coach Training

Experience A Deeper State of Meditation; Become Certified Meditation Master 

Design & Hold Your Own Meditation Workshops & Sessions

“I am not here to create more followers to any person or any tradition. I am here to create fully aware Masters who can become true channels to spread the light of meditation in the World” – Master Dev OM

ABOUT THE TEACHER: https://meditationteacherstraining.com/master-dev-om/

WHAT STUDENTS HAVE TO SAY: Students’ Experiences with OM Meditation Teacher Certificate Training Rishikesh, India – Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Rishikesh, USA, UK, Canada, Online.

Upcoming Meditation Teacher Training in India/USA/UK/Canada: Meditation Teacher Training Rishikesh batch March 2019

Meditation Teacher Training Rishikesh batch March 2019

Available for 100/200 hours of Yoga Alliance Continuing Education credit through the Subject Matter Expert pathway.

Meditation Teacher Training Schedule

(Arrival one day before the start date, Departure the next day of the finish date. We also offer our students an extended stay of up to 3 nights with food for free if they want to stay back and practice meditations )

This meditation teacher training is designed especially for those people who want to share the beauty and light of meditation with the world.

Learn meditations from different traditions:  • Mindfulness• Yogic • Sufi • 7 Chakra Healing Therapy • Breathwork • Buddhist • Tantra • Sound • Nature Meditation • Happiness Module

Course Highlights –

• Experience deeper meditative state • Extensive live practice • Learn from the Master • Lifetime teaching license • Design your own meditations & Courses • Take corporate training/group classes

The Purpose:

100 Hours Meditation Teacher Training: (Including 7 Chakra Healing Therapy + Yoganidra Master Training)

  • The purpose of this training is to make you capable to design, develop and hold your own two to three day’s meditation retreat, one/two day’s meditation workshop, 2-4 hours meditation sessions, and corporate meditation training.
  • This training will develop a deeper level of understanding about meditation, meditative energies, and different meditation techniques.
  • This program also works as an effective tool for your own self-discovery.
  • During the program, students discover their own light and uncover the hidden master in them.

200 Hours Mindfulness Coach + Advance Meditation Trainer Training: (Including Master Breathwork + Shiva Consciousness + Heartfulness + Sufi Meditation Master Training)

(Admission only after a video chat with Master Dev OM – We do the profiling for this training to keep the advanced energies in the group)

  • You can design, develop and hold intensive 5 or 7 days Meditation retreats, Mindfulness retreats, Emotional Wellness retreats, and Chakra Therapy retreats.
  • It will prepare you to work as a personal Mindfulness coach and Advance Meditation trainer.
  • It will give you the required insight to experiment with meditative energies and to develop your own meditations.
  • It covers Compassionate Communication and other effective tools of emotional healing and developing Compassion.
  • It includes Breathwork Master training and Path of Love meditation therapy.
  • It Includes higher meditations from ancient tradition for a deeper connection with your own consciousness and rapid growth in inner energies.

How is the course designed?

The course is designed in a way to prepare you to share the beauty of meditation with the world right after completing your training.

The Structure:

The course is structured around four levels of mindfulness/awareness, which we need to develop in order to achieve fulfilling life/spiritual growth. These are Mindfulness on Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Levels.

On each level we understand the science/philosophy, do activities/exercises, Do active/passive/guided meditation and then move to the next level. So it’s a very comprehensive and properly structured program, which helps a practitioner to develop a very scientifically proven practice. This approach saves the practitioner from any psychological/emotional side effects. It also proves a great self-discovery/transformation journey for the participants.

It will prepare you for 6 important aspects-

  1. Your experience – you will experience all the meditations in 2 manners –one as a seeker and 2nd as a teacher
  2. Backstage aspects – of designing and developing the sessions and courses
  3. The Teacher – building up the confidence of teaching, the right delivery method, the right tone and pitch, the right and interesting way of presenting
  4. The Class – making students comfortable, making the class interesting, how to answer student’s questions, taking care of the minute things, making it an amazing experience for students.
  5. The Market – The right content, The perfect naming, The right approach to promote, how to recognize the target group.
  6. The Support – After program support, follow-up.

What meditations will we teach?

  • We will teach you Guided, Active and Passive meditations ranging from Yogic, Vedantic, Tibetan, Sufi, Zen and the meditations given by Lord Shiva in ancient Vigyan Bhairav Tantra Tradition.
  • Apart from these we also cover contemporary mindful meditations like mindful yoganidra, mindful laughter yoga, mindfulness developing meditation and how to make mindfulness a regular practice
  • Synchronicity meditations with natural elements like full moon meditation, five elements meditation, light meditation, color meditation, and Chakra energy related meditations.
  • Chakra Sounds, OM Chanting, and Kriyas
  • Meditative breathwork techniques from Buddhist, Sufi and tantra traditions to immediately calm the mind and enhance the energy level.
  • Dance meditations like chakra dance, kirtan, inner expressions.

What would the training cover?

The training would cover all the backstage aspects of

  • how to hold a class/workshop
  • how to create the group energy
  • how to motivate people to meditate
  • how to create content and promote
  • every other related aspect will be covered.

The training covers the basics of meditation like

  • What is Meditation?
  • What is ‘not’ Meditation?
  • What is being in Meditation?
  • How to get in and come out of Meditation?
  • Benefits of meditations – physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual

Along with the practical training to handle the energy of the participants, how to align their expectations to the delivery, how to make them open and connected with the flow of activities and so on.

The Methodology of the training:

  • The training is completely interactive and practice-based.
  • The training happens in a completely non-judgmental and supportive manner.
  • All the meditations and techniques are practically experienced by students as a seeker as well as a teacher.
  • Each meditation is described for why to do this meditation, what will be the effect and what are the variations.
  • Each session is followed by the student’s questions and feedback.
  • Students go through a daily ‘live practice’ of designing, developing and taking sessions.
  • The training space is created based on awareness and presence where students can ask, recognize, share and question their feelings and purpose together in a playful and lighthearted way.

What will you get?

  • Worldwide Meditation Teacher Certification
  • Lifetime Meditation Usage + Group and Individual Teaching License
  • Lifelong group support
  • And you will get a few specials as mentioned below:

Meditation Script – You will get the scripts of all the meditations you will learn during the training along with the music.

Books – you will get three books written by Master Dev OM.

  1. The Cosmic Energy and Chakra – that’s about chakra therapy and how to manage your chakra energy naturally and how to connect with the universe and all the natural resources including the five elements.
  2. 21 Meditations for Empowerment – this includes 21 meditations along with the detailed scripts covering different aspects of human consciousness including physical wellness, emotional wellness, and mental wellness.
  3. The Light – this is a guidebook helpful for your inner transformation and spiritual growth. It covers the topic ranging from Sadhna, karma, bidirectional consciousness, the functioning of the mind, and how to become a divine being.

Master’s Music Library – you will get your Meditation Master’s music library, which includes all kinds of music ranging from guided meditation music, active meditation music, passive meditation music,  dance music, keertan music, space creation music, and other kind of required music to hold a workshop and training.

Class Video Recordings – You will also get the recordings of all the classes we will have during the training. This will help you to revisit any subject, makes your proper notes, revise and the entire course + have a ready reference for your life

Workshop Designs – and then you will get the actual design for several workshops and retreats based on different scenarios – like a program for corporates, a program for children, a program for women circle, a program for general people, a program for emotional wellness, a program for self-love and self-healing, a chakra workshop design and so on.

Authentic and Heartful Teachings – from renowned meditation masters.

Complete Process – A complete practice, learning, teaching, being inspired by everyone in the group, and share your inspiration in return.

Learn from the master!

Dev OM is a friendly meditation master, author, and Himalayan yogi. He is loved by his thousands of students worldwide who have attended his training and Satsangs in a total of 36 countries. He has helped several thousand of newbies to turn into meditators and has given spiritual coaching to hundreds of people in his 16 years of working. He has authored 12 books on meditation, chakras, energies, and spiritual evolution with half of them being Amazon bestsellers.

Learn at the best place!

On the banks of the Holy river Ganga in the Himalayas in Rishikesh, India.

  • At the world capital of Yoga and the meditation place for thousands of seekers and meditators since ancient times. Rishikesh is the place that produced many-many Yogis and Masters. Now it is your chance.
  • OM Meditation Ashram & Happiness Commune is situated inside Yog Niketan Ashram which is a very beautiful and serene ashram overlooking the holy river Ganga. In Rishikesh, one experiences a great flow of spiritual energies, and just living there is healing and meditation. It is a perfect place to dive deep into the process of discovering your inner master and to become able to share and teach the meditation to the world. The ashram has a beautiful garden, space to meditate in open under the sky, big yoga and meditation halls and neatly maintained rooms with good hygiene levels.

FAQs :

I am new to meditation. Can I join? 

Yes absolutely. Our course is designed to support a newcomer as well as an experienced meditator, and in fact, it will help you to develop an authentic spiritual practice in your life.

Why learn from us?

If you are the one who is becoming aware of the shift in your energies, and at the same time you need a non-pushy approach while still experiencing the depths of meditation then we are the right choice. You will learn meditation – in depth from all the ancient traditions but presented in modern style. Something, which is practical and with which the new age human can relate, can enjoy and can adopt in their lives.

We are a dedicated Meditation school. All our activities, pieces of training and courses are focused on meditation and building up a meditative life. Our founder is a world-renowned meditation master who has dedicated his life to spreading the light of meditation in people’s life. He has a rich and experience of taking meditation classes/talks in 30+ countries, having 12 published books and have guided several thousand people into meditation in his 14 years of working.

Many other schools are basically yoga schools that have also started offering meditation teacher training in the last couple of years. They are having their hands full of other kinds of courses and they hire people from outside to take classes. These schools are not dedicated only to meditation training. It surely makes a great difference to do one thing dedicatedly as a core focus rather than having your focus distributed among different things.

How this course can help me in my personal life and personal growth?

Participants of this course usually experience:

  • A lifetime shift of energy 
  • A deep self-discovery process
  • An amazing time of simple friendliness, total acceptance of your being, nonjudgmental atmosphere, sense of increasing peace and bliss inside and the abundance of pure Himalayan meditative energies.
  • Discovering your inner strength and true potential.
  • Becoming deeply connected with your true Self.
  • Develop a lifelong friendship and be part of an amazing support group with your fellow participants from all over the world.
  • A shift on a higher spiritual level in your practices.
  • A great improvement in your communication skills where you will start to speak from your heart, can express yourself honestly and clearly, can understand others truthfully and be understood.

Who is not allowed to join our meditation teacher training?

  • People who are suffering from major health conditions, recovering from surgeries or serious health issues and need assistance for movement.
  • People who are having any kind of severe addiction to alcohol or drugs of any kind and have a compulsive behavioral disorder.
  • People who are chronically suffering from high or low blood pressure.
  • People who are having severe arthritis, spondylosis or anybody who cannot sit the on floor for hours, or handle activities of a long day.

Included excursions:

  • As part of the program, the entire group goes for Cave meditation in the famous cave having the most potent energies of ‘Rishi Vashishtha – the guru of Lord Rama’ – One of the 7 main Vedic and divine meditator yogis in Indian spiritual and meditation system.
  • As part of the program, the entire group goes to the world-famous ‘Ganga Arti’ – A devotional prayer to holy river Ganga – a totally divine experience with Rishikumars doing Vedic chants.
  • Students get a chance to visit and meditate inside the famous Beatles Ashram with 84 Meditation tombs for personal meditation, where Beatles used to stay and meditate in 1968.
  • Students get a chance to experience the white water rafting and other adventure sports, trekking, hiking and camping in the Himalayan mountains before or after the course.

Sample Daily Schedule For Meditation Teacher Training

Flow Yoga / Mindfulness Practice/ Ganga Flow meditation practice7:00 8:00
Breakfast8:00 9:00
1st Meditation TTC Session 9:0010:45
Tea /drink Break10:4511:15
2nd Meditation TTC Session 11:1513:00
3rd Meditation TTC Session 14:3016:00
Tea Break16:0016:30
4th Meditation TTC Session16:3018:30

  Master Breathwork Training (optional)

A breath-work master training is independent of meditation teacher training. It includes breathing techniques from Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Sufi breathing techniques, Yogic breathing, Power breathwork, Zen breathing, Mindful breathwork, etc.. a total of 25+ techniques. and it happens after the meditation teacher training separately for 2 days.

These breathwork techniques are very powerful which take the practitioner from his/her external physical awareness/mindfulness to the deeper connection of the consciousness and then giving the experiences of connection/oneness/synchronicity. These are also very quick and strong techniques for corporate training and to deal with people who are very mind-oriented and have difficulty experiencing subtle things or energy flows. No one can deny the breath and they feel the immediate meditative/mindfulness effect.

This training provides you with extra 25 meditation techniques and tools which are powerful, quick, and work great in the corporates, companies, and with those people who are new to meditation or do not believe in energies, etc. These breathwork techniques give them immediate experience and calm down their mind within minutes

Course fee and booking info for courses in Rishikesh : (Note – Resident Indians should please call me for prices in INR)

  • 100 Hours Residential Course fee In Ashram en-suite room with hot shower (Stay for 9 night 10 days + up to 3 nights of extra stay with food on us if you want to stay back and practice meditations.)
    • for a shared room with another student: € 980 –  Early Birds Discount € 100.
    • for a private room: € 1080 –  Early Birds Discount € 100.
    • with AC for a private room: € 1200 –  Early Birds Discount € 100
    • A couple booking in a private room with AC € 1980 –  Early Birds Discount € 150 (total for both people)
  • For the Non-Residential Course fee please contact.
  • Booking Confirmation Fee 300 Euros – Rest payment On arrival – Payment Option By Transferwise.com 
  • What’s included In Course fee –
    • Meditation Teacher Training Course
    • Accommodation in a beautiful Ashram overlooking the holy river Ganga.
    • Ashram food: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Tea for all days.
    • Books + meditation audio + meditation music

Important Note: The booking amount is not refundable in any situation. The entire amount goes to book the room and space. However, if you have an unavoidable situation and can’t attend the course on the booked dates, then we give you the flexibility to attend it on the next dates or online, and the amount can be adjusted in that.

Call/Whatsapp +91-9971608310 or email dev@devom.org for more info.

100 hours Course fee and booking info for courses in Montreal Canada : 

Regular Non-Residential Course Price for:  100 Hours CAD 1650, Students / Early Birds Discount CAD 350 200 Hours CAD 2800, Students / Early Birds Discount CAD 200


Dev OM Meditation & Happiness Commune, c/o Yoga Niketan Ashram,

Yoga Niketan Trust, Muni-Ki-Reti, Ramjhula P.O. Shivanand Nagar, Pin-249192, Rishikesh, Uttrakhand state, India (http://yoganiketanashram.org/)

Phone No. +91 9971608310 / 7011604833 Email: dev@devom.org

Dev OM Meditation Sangha:

Delhi- 1. E-297, GK2, Main Road, New Delhi. India.

ABOUT THE TEACHER: https://meditationteacherstraining.com/master-dev-om/

WHAT STUDENTS HAVE TO SAY: Students’ Experiences with OM Meditation Teacher Certificate Training Rishikesh, India – Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Rishikesh, USA, UK, Canada, Online.

“Please note: l occasionally use affiliate links in review posts like this one. which helped me to keep on helping people and to keep on doing the charities. And maintain and improve this site and the quality of the content I post.

I only ever positively review and recommend products and services that I personally own or genuinely find useful and being honest is very important to me. There are blogs and pages out there solely concerned with profiting and this is not one of them.”

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100 / 200 Hours Meditation Teacher Training India, USA, London UK, Canada

The world needs many meditation masters if you have a compassion you can be one.

100 / 200 Hours Dev OM Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training in Rishikesh India; USA, London, UK; Montreal, Canada


Chakra Therapy, Yoganidra Master Training, Master Breathwork + Shiva Consciousness + Sufi + Heartfulness Meditation Master Training, Advance Meditation Trainer Training, Mindfulness Coach Training

Experience A Deeper State of Meditation; Become Certified Meditation Master 

Design & Hold Your Own Meditation Workshops & Sessions

“I am not here to create more followers to any person or any tradition. I am here to create fully aware Masters who can become true channels to spread the light of meditation in the World” – Master Dev OM

Upcoming Meditation Teacher Training in India/USA/UK/Canada: Meditation Teacher Training Rishikesh batch March 2019

Meditation Teacher Training Rishikesh batch March 2019

Available for 100/200 hours of Yoga Alliance Continuing Education credit through the Subject Matter Expert pathway.

Meditation Teacher Training Schedule

(Arrival one day before the start date, Departure the next day of the finish date. We also offer our students an extended stay of up to 3 nights with food for free if they want to stay back and practice meditations )

This meditation teacher training is designed especially for those people who want to share the beauty and light of meditation with the world.

Learn meditations from different traditions:  • Mindfulness• Yogic • Sufi • 7 Chakra Healing Therapy • Breathwork • Buddhist • Tantra • Sound • Nature Meditation • Happiness Module

Course Highlights –

• Experience deeper meditative state • Extensive live practice • Learn from the Master • Lifetime teaching license • Design your own meditations & Courses • Take corporate training/group classes

ABOUT THE TEACHER: https://meditationteacherstraining.com/master-dev-om/

WHAT STUDENTS HAVE TO SAY: Students’ Experiences with OM Meditation Teacher Certificate Training Rishikesh, India – Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Rishikesh, USA, UK, Canada, Online.

The Purpose:

100 Hours Meditation Teacher Training: (Including 7 Chakra Healing Therapy + Yoganidra Master Training)

  • The purpose of this training is to make you capable to design, develop and hold your own two to three day’s meditation retreat, one/two day’s meditation workshop, 2-4 hours meditation sessions, and corporate meditation training.
  • This training will develop a deeper level of understanding about meditation, meditative energies, and different meditation techniques.
  • This program also works as an effective tool for your own self-discovery.
  • During the program, students discover their own light and uncover the hidden master in them.

200 Hours Mindfulness Coach + Advance Meditation Trainer Training: (Including Master Breathwork + Shiva Consciousness + Heartfulness + Sufi Meditation Master Training)

(Admission only after a video chat with Master Dev OM – We do the profiling for this training to keep the advanced energies in the group)

  • You can design, develop and hold intensive 5 or 7 days Meditation retreats, Mindfulness retreats, Emotional Wellness retreats, and Chakra Therapy retreats.
  • It will prepare you to work as a personal Mindfulness coach and Advance Meditation trainer.
  • It will give you the required insight to experiment with meditative energies and to develop your own meditations.
  • It covers Compassionate Communication and other effective tools of emotional healing and developing Compassion.
  • It includes Breathwork Master training and Path of Love meditation therapy.
  • It Includes higher meditations from ancient tradition for a deeper connection with your own consciousness and rapid growth in inner energies.

How is the course designed?

The course is designed in a way to prepare you to share the beauty of meditation with the world right after completing your training.

The Structure:

The course is structured around four levels of mindfulness/awareness, which we need to develop in order to achieve fulfilling life/spiritual growth. These are Mindfulness on Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Levels.

On each level we understand the science/philosophy, do activities/exercises, Do active/passive/guided meditation and then move to the next level. So it’s a very comprehensive and properly structured program, which helps a practitioner to develop a very scientifically proven practice. This approach saves the practitioner from any psychological/emotional side effects. It also proves a great self-discovery/transformation journey for the participants.

It will prepare you for 6 important aspects-

  1. Your experience – you will experience all the meditations in 2 manners –one as a seeker and 2nd as a teacher
  2. Backstage aspects – of designing and developing the sessions and courses
  3. The Teacher – building up the confidence of teaching, the right delivery method, the right tone and pitch, the right and interesting way of presenting
  4. The Class – making students comfortable, making the class interesting, how to answer student’s questions, taking care of the minute things, making it an amazing experience for students.
  5. The Market – The right content, The perfect naming, The right approach to promote, how to recognize the target group.
  6. The Support – After program support, follow-up.

What meditations will we teach?

  • We will teach you Guided, Active and Passive meditations ranging from Yogic, Vedantic, Tibetan, Sufi, Zen and the meditations given by Lord Shiva in ancient Vigyan Bhairav Tantra Tradition.
  • Apart from these we also cover contemporary mindful meditations like mindful yoganidra, mindful laughter yoga, mindfulness developing meditation and how to make mindfulness a regular practice
  • Synchronicity meditations with natural elements like full moon meditation, five elements meditation, light meditation, color meditation, and Chakra energy related meditations.
  • Chakra Sounds, OM Chanting, and Kriyas
  • Meditative breathwork techniques from Buddhist, Sufi and tantra traditions to immediately calm the mind and enhance the energy level.
  • Dance meditations like chakra dance, kirtan, inner expressions.

What would the training cover?

The training would cover all the backstage aspects of

  • how to hold a class/workshop
  • how to create the group energy
  • how to motivate people to meditate
  • how to create content and promote
  • every other related aspect will be covered.

The training covers the basics of meditation like

  • What is Meditation?
  • What is ‘not’ Meditation?
  • What is being in Meditation?
  • How to get in and come out of Meditation?
  • Benefits of meditations – physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual

Along with the practical training to handle the energy of the participants, how to align their expectations to the delivery, how to make them open and connected with the flow of activities and so on.

The Methodology of the training:

  • The training is completely interactive and practice-based.
  • The training happens in a completely non-judgmental and supportive manner.
  • All the meditations and techniques are practically experienced by students as a seeker as well as a teacher.
  • Each meditation is described for why to do this meditation, what will be the effect and what are the variations.
  • Each session is followed by the student’s questions and feedback.
  • Students go through a daily ‘live practice’ of designing, developing and taking sessions.
  • The training space is created based on awareness and presence where students can ask, recognize, share and question their feelings and purpose together in a playful and lighthearted way.

What will you get?

  • Worldwide Meditation Teacher Certification
  • Lifetime Meditation Usage + Group and Individual Teaching License
  • Lifelong group support
  • And you will get a few specials as mentioned below:

Meditation Script – You will get the scripts of all the meditations you will learn during the training along with the music.

Books – you will get three books written by Master Dev OM.

  1. The Cosmic Energy and Chakra – that’s about chakra therapy and how to manage your chakra energy naturally and how to connect with the universe and all the natural resources including the five elements.
  2. 21 Meditations for Empowerment – this includes 21 meditations along with the detailed scripts covering different aspects of human consciousness including physical wellness, emotional wellness, and mental wellness.
  3. The Light – this is a guidebook helpful for your inner transformation and spiritual growth. It covers the topic ranging from Sadhna, karma, bidirectional consciousness, the functioning of the mind, and how to become a divine being.

Master’s Music Library – you will get your Meditation Master’s music library, which includes all kinds of music ranging from guided meditation music, active meditation music, passive meditation music,  dance music, keertan music, space creation music, and other kinds of required music to hold a workshop and training.

Class Video Recordings – You will also get the recordings of all the classes we will have during the training. This will help you to revisit any subject, makes your proper notes, revise and the entire course + have a ready reference for your life

Workshop Designs – and then you will get the actual design for several workshops and retreats based on different scenarios – like a program for corporates, a program for children, a program for women circle, a program for general people, a program for emotional wellness, a program for self-love and self-healing, a chakra workshop design and so on.

Authentic and Heartful Teachings – from renowned meditation masters.

Complete Process – A complete practice, learning, teaching, being inspired by everyone in the group, and share your inspiration in return.

Learn from the master!

Dev OM is a friendly meditation master, author, and Himalayan yogi. He is loved by his thousands of students worldwide who have attended his training and Satsangs in a total of 36 countries. He has helped several thousands of newbies to turn into meditators and has given spiritual coaching to hundreds of people in his 16 years of working. He has authored 12 books on meditation, chakras, energies, and spiritual evolution with half of them being Amazon bestsellers.

Learn at the best place!

On the banks of the holy river Ganga in the Himalayas in Rishikesh, India.

  • At the world capital of Yoga and the meditation place for thousands of seekers and meditators since ancient times. Rishikesh is the place that produced many-many Yogis and Masters. Now it is your chance.
  • OM Meditation Ashram & Happiness Commune is situated inside Yog Niketan Ashram which is a very beautiful and serene ashram overlooking the holy river Ganga. In Rishikesh, one experiences a great flow of spiritual energies, and just living there is healing and meditation. It is a perfect place to dive deep into the process of discovering your inner master and to become able to share and teach the meditation to the world. The ashram has a beautiful garden, space to meditate in open under the sky, big yoga and meditation halls and neatly maintained rooms with good hygiene levels.

FAQs :

I am new to meditation. Can I join? 

Yes absolutely. Our course is designed to support a newcomer as well as an experienced meditator, and in fact, it will help you to develop an authentic spiritual practice in your life.

Why learn from us?

If you are the one who is becoming aware of the shift in your energies, and at the same time you need a non-pushy approach while still experiencing the depths of meditation then we are the right choice. You will learn meditation – in depth from all the ancient traditions but presented in modern style. Something, which is practical and with which the new age human can relate, can enjoy and can adapt in their lives.

We are a dedicated Meditation school. All our activities, pieces of training, and courses are focused on meditation and building up a meditative life. Our founder is a world-renowned meditation master who has dedicated his life to spreading the light of meditation in people’s life. He has a rich and experience of taking meditation classes/talks in 30+ countries, having 12 published books, and has guided several thousand people into meditation in his 14 years of working.

Many other schools are basically yoga schools that have also started offering meditation teacher training in the last couple of years. They are having their hands full of other kinds of courses and they hire people from outside to take classes. These schools are not dedicated only to meditation training. It surely makes a great difference to do one thing dedicatedly as a core focus rather than having your focus distributed among different things.

How this course can help me in my personal life and personal growth?

Participants of this course usually experience:

  • A lifetime shift of energy 
  • A deep self-discovery process
  • An amazing time of simple friendliness, total acceptance of your being, nonjudgmental atmosphere, sense of increasing peace and bliss inside and the abundance of pure Himalayan meditative energies.
  • Discovering your inner strength and true potential.
  • Becoming deeply connected with your true Self.
  • Develop a lifelong friendship and be part of an amazing support group with your fellow participants from all over the world.
  • A shift on a higher spiritual level in your practices.
  • A great improvement in your communication skills where you will start to speak from your heart, can express yourself honestly and clearly, can understand others truthfully and be understood.

Who is not allowed to join our meditation teacher training?

  • People who are suffering from major health conditions, recovering from surgeries or serious health issues and need assistance for movement.
  • People who are having any kind of severe addiction to alcohol or drugs of any kind and have a compulsive behavioral disorder.
  • People who are chronically suffering from high or low blood pressure.
  • People who are having severe arthritis, spondylosis or anybody who cannot sit the on floor for hours, or handle activities of a long day.

Included excursions:

  • As part of the program, the entire group goes for Cave meditation in the famous cave having the most potent energies of ‘Rishi Vashishtha – the guru of Lord Rama’ – One of the 7 main Vedic and divine meditator yogis in Indian spiritual and meditation system.
  • As part of the program, the entire group goes to the world-famous ‘Ganga Arti’ – A devotional prayer to holy river Ganga – a totally divine experience with Rishikumars doing Vedic chants.
  • Students get a chance to visit and meditate inside the famous Beatles Ashram with 84 Meditation tombs for personal meditation, where Beatles used to stay and meditate in 1968.
  • Students get a chance to experience the white water rafting and other adventure sports, trekking, hiking and camping in the Himalayan mountains before or after the course.

Sample Daily Schedule For Meditation Teacher Training

Flow Yoga / Mindfulness Practice/ Ganga Flow meditation practice7:00 8:00
Breakfast8:00 9:00
1st Meditation TTC Session 9:0010:45
Tea /drink Break10:4511:15
2nd Meditation TTC Session 11:1513:00
3rd Meditation TTC Session 14:3016:00
Tea Break16:0016:30
4th Meditation TTC Session16:3018:30

  Master Breathwork Training (optional)

A breath-work master training is independent of meditation teacher training. It includes breathing techniques from Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Sufi breathing techniques, Yogic breathing, Power breathwork, Zen breathing, Mindful breathwork, etc.. a total of 25+ techniques. and it happens after the meditation teacher training separately for 2 days.

These breathwork techniques are very powerful which take the practitioner from his/her external physical awareness/mindfulness to the deeper connection of the consciousness and then giving the experiences of connection/oneness/synchronicity. These are also very quick and strong techniques for corporate training and to deal with people who are very mind-oriented and have difficulty experiencing subtle things or energy flows. No one can deny the breath and they feel the immediate meditative/mindfulness effect.

This training provides you with extra 25 meditation techniques and tools which are powerful, quick, and work great in the corporates, companies, and with those people who are new to meditation or do not believe in energies, etc. These breathwork techniques give them immediate experience and calm down their mind within minutes

Course fee and booking info for courses in Rishikesh : (Note – Resident Indians should please call me for prices in INR)

  • 100 Hours Residential Course fee In Ashram en-suite room with hot shower (Stay for 9 night 10 days + up to 3 nights of extra stay with food on us if you want to stay back and practice meditations.)
    • for a shared room with another student: € 980 –  Early Birds Discount € 100.
    • for a private room: € 1080 –  Early Birds Discount € 100.
    • with AC for a private room: € 1200 –  Early Birds Discount € 100
    • A couple booking in a private room with AC € 1980 –  Early Birds Discount € 150 (total for both people)
  • For the Non-Residential Course fee please contact.
  • Booking Confirmation Fee 300 Euros – Rest payment On arrival – Payment Option By Transferwise.com 
  • What’s included In Course fee –
    • Meditation Teacher Training Course
    • Accommodation in a beautiful Ashram overlooking the holy river Ganga.
    • Ashram food: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Tea for all days.
    • Books + meditation audio + meditation music

Important Note: The booking amount is not refundable in any situation. The entire amount goes to book the room and space. However, if you have an unavoidable situation and can’t attend the course on the booked dates, then we give you the flexibility to attend it on the next dates or online, and the amount can be adjusted in that.

Call/Whatsapp +91-9971608310 or email dev@devom.org for more info.

100 hours Course fee and booking info for courses in Montreal Canada : 

Regular Non-Residential Course Price for:  100 Hours CAD 1650, Students / Early Birds Discount CAD 350 200 Hours CAD 2800, Students / Early Birds Discount CAD 200


Dev OM Meditation & Happiness Commune, c/o Yoga Niketan Ashram,

Yoga Niketan Trust, Muni-Ki-Reti, Ramjhula P.O. Shivanand Nagar, Pin-249192, Rishikesh, Uttrakhand state, India (http://yoganiketanashram.org/)

Phone No. +91 9971608310 / 7011604833 Email: dev@devom.org

Dev OM Meditation Sangha:

Delhi- 1. E-297, GK2, Main Road, New Delhi. India.

ABOUT THE TEACHER: https://meditationteacherstraining.com/master-dev-om/

WHAT STUDENTS HAVE TO SAY: Students’ Experiences with OM Meditation Teacher Certificate Training Rishikesh, India – Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Rishikesh, USA, UK, Canada, Online.

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